The debate will rage on for several more years: does AI replace American workers? The answer is not an easy answer. There are several aspects to business and human nature that must be discussed, understood and have somewhat of an agreement on the truth of our times.
World competitiveness: America used to market based on quality. This has lost its volume of sound and desire to the American public. America looks at price then ease of purchase and access and then quality. This being the case, manufacturers and textile companies cannot compete with paying American workers and fighting governmental regulations. It has become cheaper to use other countries that do not count their people or the environment as sacred as America does. This has caused us to lose sight of the long game and will continue costing American jobs. AI or robots do not get paid hourly, take breaks, vacations, join unions, call in sick, come into work less than 100%, and they work continuously and at full production. The jobs for people will still exist but it will not be on the production line (where most workers dread their jobs) but will be higher paying jobs that keep the robotics functioning properly.
American Labor Market: This is a sad time in American history as it pertains to our workforce. Today, manufacturers, retailers, restaurants, field service, construction, and every industry in America is seeking workers and cannot find them. This has caused a heavy hiring of immigrants to do the work Americans think they are too good to do or are just too lazy to apply themselves. AI cannot replace all of these types of jobs but can make it much easier on the businesses attempting to grow their businesses. BestBrain AI will allow labor intensive companies to offset some of the responsibilities of workers so that they will do the work they like to do.
The U.S. Educational System: This monster has lied to our youth in that they indoctrinate the youth into believing that a college education is the only way to success in a job. They leave out that most college graduates are either unemployed or are working menial jobs because their college degree is now irrelevant. The saddest thing I have experienced is the kids that cannot afford college, dislike school, must go to work to support a family, have no idea what they want to do in their professional lives made to believe they are not winners because they cannot put a college degree on their resume. When in fact their are much higher paying jobs in the trades industries than in the college degree jobs, plus the quality of life and work is usually much better. Ask a doctor's spouse!
American Parents: Parents are the first line of advocacy for their children. It is not the responsibility of any school to guide your kids based on knowledge, experience, understanding, and desire to see them happily succeeding; it is the parents! As parents (not best friends) we must mentor, coach, and guide our children down the path of truth. To be able to do this, we must get off social media, turn the boob tube off, and pay attention to our children, if we truly care for them. Ignorance is never an excuse, especially in the U.S. Biblically ignorance is darkness and evil; both describing where the devil lives and operates, is this where we choose to let our children exist? A child right out of High School can now get a good long term job with benefits making $20 an hour to start and be trained and within 5-years be making $40-$50 an hour with great benefits. Ask a college graduate at BestBuy if they are receiving the same. AI cannot replace the trades industry. It will replace college graduates and factory workers on the production line. If you want them to go to school to get a degree, suggest they look into robotic maintenance.